Pakistan is facing a severe hunger crisis, with at least 50% of children suffering from stunting and wasting due to lack of nutrition. Despite being an agricultural country, the sector is poorly managed, leading to food shortages and waste.
Food Insecurity and Malnutrition
Many households survive on only roti and water, while others rely on tea as a staple. This lack of nutrition will lead to further stunting and wasting, especially among children.
Government Inaction and Mismanagement
The government’s decision to import wheat from Ukraine despite forecasts of a bumper crop at home has led to wheat rotting in flooded fields. Similarly, sugarcane farmers are encouraged to grow the crop despite mills having no room to store it, leading to an increase in exports and profits for mill owners.
Protests and Desperation
Incidents like mobile phone snatching and robberies at homes where weddings are being organized are signs of desperation among people who need to eat. Protests have taken place, but the situation shows no signs of improvement, with Pakistan ranking 99th on the Global Hunger Index.
Lack of Leadership and Austerity
There is no political party taking up the issue of hunger and malnutrition as a major part of its agenda. The government’s lavish spending and lack of austerity measures are exacerbating the situation, with ministers driving luxurious cars and leading extravagant lifestyles.
Explosion of Unmanageable Situation
The situation is desperate, and people will eventually have no choice but to take more violent measures to stop it from worsening further. The International Monetary Fund’s demands for harsher measures will only add to the misery.
#Pakistan #HungerCrisis #Malnutrition #FoodInsecurity #GovernmentInaction #Mismanagement #Protests #Desperation #LackOfLeadership #Austerity #ExplosionOfUnmanageableSituation