
Mirha and Minal: The Inspirational Journey of Conjoined Twins Separated in Turkey


Mirha and Minal: The Inspirational Journey of Conjoined Twins Separated in Turkey

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, 11-month-old conjoined twins Mirha and Minal from Pakistan underwent a successful 14-hour surgery in Ankara, Turkey, to separate their heads, which had been fused since birth. This extraordinary story is not only a testament to medical science but also highlights the power of international collaboration and the profound impact of humanitarian efforts.

The Early Life of Mirha and Minal

Born in a small town in Pakistan, Mirha and Minal’s early days were filled with both hope and challenges. Conjoined at the head, the twins faced significant health risks and developmental issues from the moment they entered the world. Their unique condition, known as craniopagus, meant that they shared vital neurological structures, complicating their development and severely limiting their mobility. While their parents, Rehan Ali and Nazia Parveen, cherished their daughters, the reality of their condition loomed large over their family.

Initially, the twins exhibited some motor functions, but as they grew older, it became increasingly clear that their conjoined state was hindering their physical abilities. They struggled with basic movements and faced constant medical assessments to monitor their health. Each day was a reminder of the urgent need for intervention, and the family’s hope for a solution began to dwindle as traditional medical options in Pakistan proved limited.

The Search for Help

As the twins approached their first birthday, their parents became increasingly desperate. The cost of surgery in Pakistan was daunting, and the local medical infrastructure lacked the specialized care required for such complex cases. Driven by love and concern for their daughters, Rehan and Nazia began seeking help from various organizations and medical professionals. It was during this search that they reached out to Dr. Owase Jeelani, a renowned pediatric neurosurgeon based in London.

Dr. Jeelani recognized the potential for a successful separation but also understood the significant financial barriers that the family faced. Moved by their plight, he sought ways to facilitate the procedure, but costs in the UK were prohibitive. Realizing that the twins’ condition was urgent, he made a pivotal decision to contact Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, appealing for assistance.

The Role of Turkish Authorities

President Erdogan’s response was immediate and heartfelt. Recognizing the severity of the twins’ condition, he took swift action to ensure that Mirha and Minal would receive the medical care they desperately needed. This marked the beginning of a remarkable journey that would ultimately change the lives of these little girls.

In May, Mirha and Minal were transferred to Bilkent City Hospital in Ankara, Turkey. Upon arrival, the twins underwent extensive evaluations to assess their health and the complexity of their condition. The medical team, comprising 60 specialists, was assembled to plan the surgical procedure, which would be one of the most challenging operations undertaken in recent medical history.

The Medical Team and Their Preparation

The surgical team consisted of experienced professionals from both Turkey and the United Kingdom. Dr. Jeelani took the lead alongside Turkish surgeons Dr. Harun Demirci and Dr. Hasan Murat Ergani. Their collaborative efforts symbolized the merging of knowledge and expertise across borders, showcasing the power of international cooperation in the medical field.

The team worked meticulously to develop a comprehensive surgical plan. The surgery would be conducted in two stages, each phase crucial to ensuring the safety and health of the twins. In addition to the physical separation of the heads, the team had to consider the twins’ neurological and developmental needs. This included addressing their ability to sit up, use their hands, and other essential motor functions.

The Complex Surgical Procedure

On July 19, the surgical procedure commenced, lasting an exhaustive 14 hours. This monumental effort required immense concentration, precision, and skill from the entire medical team. Dr. Jeelani, leading the operation, emphasized the critical importance of every decision made during the procedure.

One of the notable aspects of the surgery was the innovative balloon tissue expansion technique used to prepare the girls’ bodies for separation. Dr. Hasan Murat Ergani explained that they placed a material in the twins’ heads to gradually expand the tissue over two months, ensuring there would be enough skin and tissue to cover their brains post-separation. This careful planning was essential to ensure the success of the operation and the health of the twins moving forward.

As the surgical team worked tirelessly, the weight of their responsibility hung in the air. The outcome of the procedure would not only impact the lives of Mirha and Minal but also serve as a beacon of hope for countless other children facing similar challenges.

The Moment of Separation

When the moment finally came to separate Mirha and Minal, the atmosphere in the operating room was charged with emotion. The team had poured their hearts and souls into the operation, and the culmination of their efforts was about to unfold. The precise moment of separation was met with a wave of applause from the medical staff, reflecting the immense relief and joy they felt. Dr. Jeelani described it as one of the most memorable moments of his life, a testament to the incredible dedication of everyone involved.

After the successful separation, the twins were placed in recovery, where their progress was closely monitored. Initial assessments indicated that both girls were stable, but the road to recovery was just beginning. The medical team knew that they would need to work collaboratively to address the twins’ ongoing health needs.

Post-Surgery Challenges and Recovery

In the days following the surgery, Mirha and Minal faced significant adjustments. Initially, the twins struggled to adapt to being apart, having shared a unique bond throughout their lives. To ease this transition, the medical staff decided to keep the twins in the same room and bed for a period, allowing them to maintain a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Dr. Namik Yasar Ozbek, the head of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, noted that the twins had previously encountered difficulties with sitting and hand movements due to their conjoined condition. However, with the combined efforts of neurologists, physical therapists, and neurodevelopmental specialists, these challenges began to resolve post-surgery. “They’re gaining head control and beginning to use their hands and arms,” Dr. Ozbek stated, emphasizing the importance of ongoing therapy in the twins’ recovery.

The medical team developed a comprehensive rehabilitation plan tailored to the needs of each twin. Regular sessions with physical therapists helped Mirha and Minal regain strength and coordination. As their health improved, the twins began to smile and show signs of joy, a testament to their resilience and the success of the surgery.

The Parents’ Perspective

For Rehan Ali and Nazia Parveen, the experience was nothing short of transformative. Filled with gratitude, they expressed their heartfelt thanks to President Erdogan, Dr. Jeelani, and the entire medical team for their unwavering support. “We are so happy and indebted to everyone who contributed. We hope to meet President Erdogan personally to thank him,” Ali said, reflecting the overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude that permeated their family.

The journey of Mirha and Minal not only changed their lives but also inspired countless others. Their story serves as a reminder of the power of hope and determination in the face of adversity. The love and support of their parents, combined with the expertise of the medical team, created a powerful narrative of resilience.

Global Implications of the Surgery

The successful separation of Mirha and Minal goes beyond a singular achievement; it serves as a powerful example of what can be accomplished through collaboration in the medical community. Dr. Jeelani emphasized that this experience highlights the importance of international partnerships in addressing complex health challenges. “This isn’t just about Mirha and Minal. It’s about how the world should work—when children need help, the whole world comes together,” he remarked.

Moreover, this case underscores the need for increased resources and support for medical professionals working in challenging conditions, particularly in low-income countries. By fostering international collaboration and sharing knowledge, the global medical community can enhance its capacity to provide care for vulnerable populations.

Future Prospects for Mirha and Minal

As Mirha and Minal prepare for discharge from Bilkent City Hospital, their future is filled with promise. They are expected to continue their development with regular follow-ups to monitor their neurological and physical progress. The medical team remains committed to providing the necessary support to ensure their ongoing health and well-being.

The journey of these two little girls is far from over. While they have overcome significant challenges, their path forward will involve continued rehabilitation and care. Their story serves as an inspiring reminder of the incredible resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact that love and support can have in healing.


The story of Mirha and Minal is one of hope, determination, and the incredible potential of collaborative efforts in medicine. Their successful separation is not only a milestone in pediatric surgery but also a powerful testament to the compassion and dedication of those who came together to make a difference.

As the twins prepare to celebrate their first birthdays separately, their journey serves as an inspiration to many. It reminds us all of the importance of compassion, collaboration, and the unwavering belief in the power of healing. Moving forward, it is essential to learn from this experience to foster further collaboration in healthcare, ensuring that all children, regardless of their circumstances, receive the care and support they need.

In a world that often feels divided, the story of Mirha and Minal stands as a beacon of hope, illustrating that when we come together in pursuit of a common goal, we can achieve the extraordinary.

#ConjoinedTwins #MirhaAndMinal #MedicalBreakthrough #InternationalCollaboration #PediatricSurgery #Hope #Healing #Turkey #Pakistan #Human


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