A large group of California sea lions has taken over San Carlos Beach in Monterey, California, leading local officials to close the area to visitors. The beach is now filled with hundreds of sea lions, mostly males, who are resting, playing, and enjoying the rich food supply in the area.
According to marine biologist Lisa Uttal, the sea lions may have been attracted to the beach due to its productive ecosystem, which offers a diverse range of food sources. The sea lions are expected to remain on the beach for several weeks.
While the spectacle has drawn crowds, local officials are reminding visitors to keep a safe distance and not disturb the sea lions. The US Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 prohibits people from changing the behavior of the sea lions, including approaching them too closely or forcing them to flee.
Volunteer Marge Brigadier emphasized the importance of respecting the sea lions’ space, likening it to not wanting to be disturbed while resting at home.
#SeaLions #CaliforniaBeach #Wildlife #MarineLife #Conservation