In a groundbreaking achievement, “Blockbuster”, a song produced by Coke Studio Pakistan, has been featured by FIFA for Kylian Mbappe’s entry. This milestone marks a significant moment in Pakistani music history, showcasing the country’s talent on a global platform. The song, composed by Zulfikar Jabbar Khan, Umair Butt, Faris Shafi, and Shamroz Butt, has garnered over 18 million views on YouTube and been used in over 250,000 Instagram reels. The Norwegian group Quick Style’s choreography has further amplified the song’s popularity. This accomplishment follows the success of “Pasoori” by Ali Sethi and Shae Gill, which became the most-streamed Pakistani song globally and entered YouTube’s Global Top Music Videos chart. “Blockbuster” ‘s global recognition not only highlights the talent of Pakistani artists but also paves the way for future collaborations and international acclaim. This achievement is a testament to the country’s vibrant music industry, which continues to produce exceptional talent and music that resonates worldwide.
“Blockbuster” Song Puts Pakistani Music on the Global Map